Izzy Dolls can be delivered to the Québec locations below:

All Izzy Dolls are created in memory of Master Corporal Mark Isfeld and intended for distribution to children in need as part of the Izzy Doll Initiative. They cannot be bought or sold, they must always given freely to children in need of comfort.

Please remember that Izzy Dolls must represent humans with natural skin tones from dark brown through to soft pink (sorry, no animals) and that they should be 5 to 6 inches in size as their original intent is to fit in the pockets of soldiers. Feel free to get creative with dress, hair length and colour, and accessories such as hats, scarves and belts!

We’d love for you to share your finished creations with our Izzy Doll Initiative Facebook Page before sending them out! Thank you!

Partenaires Canadiens pour la santé internationale / Health Partners International Canada (HPIC Québec)

In-person drop-off:
Drop-off arrangements for Izzy Dolls can be made by calling Ruth Frenette, at 514-822-1112, Ext. 101.

Partenaires Canadiens pour la santé internationale / Health Partners International Canada (HPIC Québec)
93 rue Sainte-Anne
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 1L9

Parcels by mail:
Partenaires Canadiens pour la santé internationale / Health Partners International Canada (HPIC Québec) is a drop-off location only, parcels by mail should be sent directly to the Ontario HPIC Warehouse.

Attention: Dayana Gomez, Director, Philanthropy & Communications
2907 Portland Dr.
Oakville, ON L6H 5S4

Website: www.info@hpicanada.ca

  • Partenaires Canadiens pour la santé internationale / Health Partners Intenational Canada (HPIC Québec) is currently accepting Izzy Dolls to be included in Humanitarian Medical Kits supporting Canadian volunteers and healthcare professionals. The dolls will be distributed to children in need in Ukraine, Honduras, Vietnam and other countries.
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